Diving Deep Into My Meditation Practice | Intro to Meditation + Mystical Series with Wild Sage Collective

I was first introduced to Erica from Wild Sage a few years ago as I sobbed through a meditation she was leading. I was sitting there holding my Modmala with a full-on ugly cry, gasping for air, and sobbing-induced hiccups.  When the meditation was over, I apologized to her for sobbing through the meditation and thanked her for being exactly what I needed during a very difficult part of my life.  I don’t remember her exact words but I know that she was calm and comforting and I left feeling like I could breathe.  For the first time in weeks, I could breathe. 

It was this moment that popped out to me when I was in need of a personal reset earlier this year.  I knew this was the moment I needed to dive deeper into my meditation practice and have something steady that I could use to feel peace and calm when life seemed so uncertain.

A quick Facebook message to my friend, Erica, and I was signed up for the next Intro to Meditation + Mystical Series 1:1


Fine-tuning my mediation practice was the main reason I wanted to sign up for this series.  I needed help working on ways to practice while at home with everyone at home.  Working 1:1 with Erica I was able to troubleshoot all of the things so I could come up with options that work best for me. I knew this was the best option for me because Erica is a rule-breaker and with the life, I live I need to be able to meditate and focus on different elements of a mindful practice in unique ways that don’t follow the typical rules. 

 A few of the ideas we came up with - 

  1. Meditate while nursing and snuggling the baby in the mornings while the house is still calm

  2. Creating a special space for myself that’s only for me and visit that space when possible or needed 

  3. Connect in nature.  Taking a walk alone, focusing on the sounds, my breathing, and the little things I’d miss otherwise.



One of the first things Erica suggested was journaling.  This one was hard for me. I’m a perfectionist and journaling is something I struggle with because I feel like when I put pen to paper I need to write something beautiful not to mention I need a new notebook that inspires me.  I couldn’t start journaling until I could get a brand new notebook and feel inspired to write something beautiful.  

When I told Erica about this she laughed, not at me, but with me. She completely understood where I was coming from but gently encouraged me to just do it anyway.  Just write - it can be one word or more. It can be in a brand new notebook or a scrap piece of paper.  Just write down your thoughts. 

Listening to her advice was powerful.  I started writing just like she said and it was so freeing.  Releasing those thoughts onto paper helped me sleep better, allowed me to confront certain feelings head-on, and just helped get me ready for great meditation. 

Chakra & Crystals

I knew very little about chakras and crystals before this 1:1 series with Erica.  Erica broke it down for me in such a way that it was easy to understand and remember.  I still took lots of notes and refer to her website often for refreshers.  

My favorite meditation is currently the one where I call in my different chakras, ask them for any messages, and thank them.  It is truly one of the most powerful things I took away from my journey with Erica.  

I actually shared more about crystals on Instagram - head over there to check it out.  

What is  Intro to Meditation + Mystical Series 1:1

In this 1:1 series with Erica, you will walk through a customized 5-week journey learning about how to cultivate & maintain your meditation practice while diving deep into & demystifying ancient wisdom teachings. Learn about chakras, crystals, meditation, your personal birth star mantra, and so much more.  It’s completely customizable to what you want to learn and truly a one-of-a-kind experience.  

I plan to keep going through so stay tuned on social media and the blog to keep learning. If you reach out to Erica - tell her I sent you :) 


All I Want for April is Acceptance.


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