Beautiful New Community in Minerva Park | M/I Homes | 614 Mom

My husband and I are obsessed with searching for a new home, we spend hours on Zillow, spend our free weekends (haha - do those even exist?) attending open houses, and I have a Pinterest board (or two) filled with inspiration, so when M/I reached out to me about visiting their new communities in Westerville, I of course said YES! 

The first community I went to is a brand new community in Minerva Park.  I've always loved this area so I was really excited for the tour of the house and to get to see the entire neighborhood.  The house is beautiful, the entire team at M/I put a lot of work into every detail and it shows. I especially loved the loft and the mudroom.  That may sound silly because we are mainly focused on the kitchen/dining areas, bedrooms, and bathrooms when looking for a new home. Don't get me wrong those were all amazing but the loft and mudroom really stood out to me.  While I do cook, sleep, and lounge in my house - we also live in our home.  We make messes, we play, we dance, we dance outside in the rain, we play in the mud, we really truly LIVE in our home and this house in Minerva Park gives you the freedom to live in your house while keeping a sense of calm.  Muddy shoes?  98357 bags being brought in from that vacation?  Toys all over the place?  The mud room and the loft have you covered.  It might be because we don't have either of these in our current house that really had me excited over the potential these rooms offer but I thought having both would be pretty awesome with three young kids running around.  

I also loved the kitchen the beautiful counter tops and the window above the sink - little details that really help make the house feel more like a home.  I can imagine washing dishes or making a snack and looking out that window to my husband and kiddos playing in the backyard.  How sweet that moment would be.  

I could go on and on about how beautiful this neighborhood is and how amazing the house is but I think I'd rather let the pictures speak for themselves.  

After my tour I called my husband I told him that we had to go to the grand opening two days later, I knew he'd love the house and exploring with him is always so fun.  

M/I is dedicated to making communities not just houses and they did just that in Minerva Park. From the cozy curves roads, walking paths, and green space this is a true community.  You would be very lucky to call this area home.  


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