How To Create a Paper Mache Globe

One of my absolute favorite memories as a child was making a paper mache globe in art class.  I loved being able to get messy while creating something really cool.  I’ve always wanted to recreate this activity with my kids and now that we’re at home a lot more it seemed like the perfect time to do just that.  

As a child, I remember this project taking multiple weeks to complete and requiring multiple steps to get us to the end goal.  As a mom, with four kids a project that could take weeks to complete seemed like a lot so I kept putting it off.  I was never ready to commit and I didn’t want to start just to give up on it because life got in the way. 

With extra time at home, I decided that now was the best time to try and make our own paper mache masterpiece because we had the time to dedicate to it.  Honestly, I’m glad we decided to give it a go because it didn’t take weeks to complete - more like a week.  It took a looooooong time to dry but that’s expected.  Once it dried, the rest of the project flew by. 

To get started

This project is a messy one, be sure to prep your work area. We used newspapers we were going to recycle to cover our table. You can use whatever you have but it’s important to protect your workspace.

Gather your materials

Find a space to store your project while it dries. This project will take up to a few days to dry so it’s important to have a place to store it while it dries that won’t get in the way of everyday activities. 

Supplies Needed

Punch Balloons - Any balloon will do but I found the punch balloons to be the best for this project because it has the rubber band at the end that will help you hold it as you apply paper mache and paint. 

Paper Mache Paste - This stuff is gold! It makes creating the paper mache so easy.  

Paint brushes

Bowl (just big enough to allow the balloon to rest nicely on it) 

Green Paint 

Blue Paint

Ready to Recycle Newspapers 


Black Sharpie 


Creating Your Globe

  1. Prep your workspace and layout all of your supplies 

  2. Create the paper mache paste following the instructions on the box

  3. Cut newspapers into long strips 

  4. Blow up your balloon to the size of a small soccer ball 

Let’s Get Messy

  1. Lay the newspaper strips on the balloon one at a time while applying the paper mache paste with a paintbrush. Apply generously 

  2. Rotate the balloon to add newspapers and paste to all sides

  3. Do not leave any part of the balloon visible, cover everything! 

  4. Let sit for 1-2 days to dry


Once it’s Dry 

Have fun painting the entire globe BLUE (Don’t make my mistake and paint it all green, I had to completely redo it) after all most of the world is made up of water :) 

  1. Once the paint is dry take a sharpie and draw the different continents 

  2. Paint the continents green. 

That’s it! Your globe is ready to be displayed.  A few notes - if you made sure to cover every single inch of your balloon you can then pop the balloon so it doesn’t shrink but don’t do this unless every single inch is covered with newspaper and paper mache.  Also, it’s going to be bumpy - that’s okay - the earth is not flat so use this as a really good conversation starter with your kids.  


Talking Points

I used this time to talk to my kids about the earth, ways we can protect it, and answer all of their questions.  

How old is the earth?

What uses the most energy in our home?

How can we protect the earth?

What can we do as a family to help protect the earth? 

Where does our power come from?

Where does our water come from? 


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