Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

Dear Monday

Monday, I love you! You are a fresh start, a clean slate, and you bring so much happiness and potential.  I've always loved the potential Mondays bring, I wake up ready to conquer the week both as a business owner and mom.  I spend my Monday mornings, preparing for a successful week ahead and today and every week I'm sharing the seven pieces to a successful week.  

Monday, I love you! You are a fresh start, a clean slate, and you bring so much happiness and potential.  I've always loved the potential Mondays bring, I wake up ready to conquer the week both as a business owner and mom and I just LOVE it.  I spend my Monday mornings, preparing for a successful week ahead.  I make lists, set goals, plan activities, and try to get all the laundry done. I'm sharing seven important (and not so important) pieces to the puzzle when planning the week ahead.  

What I'm reading this week: Big Girl Pants: A Woman's Guide to Strutting toward the Life She Craves

What I'm watching: Big Little Lies on HBO 

Who I'm listening to: Betty Who - The Valley - I seriously jam out to this daily.  While I'm folding laundry, working out, and riding solo in the car.  

A New Adventure: We are going to head about 50 minutes out of town for pony rides. The kids are so excited. 

New food we're trying: The kids LOVE to bake and cook so this week we are going to put our KitchenAid Pasta Attachment to good use. 

This weeks goal: I am hoping to get Elizabeth on a better sleep schedule, so I can spend more time with my older two kiddos. 

Something I'm researching: I have a BIG goal this week and I am researching two products to help me, the Owlet monitor and this video monitor.  Do you have experience with either one of those?  Tell me in the comments, I'd love to hear your thoughts. 

I find that making lists, putting my goals on paper, putting pen to paper, makes me more successful throughout the week. Life is chaotic enough, I have my paper calendar for myself, my Icloud calendar that connects with friends for playdates, and Google calendar with Riley for our family stuff, and if I don't start my week off focused my whole week gets thrown off. How do you prepare for the week?  What are you reading this week? Share with me in the comments.  :-)

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

19 Tips Every Stay At Home Parent Should Know.

Being a Stay-At-Home-Parent has a lot of fun perks but it is also a challenge.  I've partnered with Kristy from Evolve Capital to share 19 tips every stay at home parent should know.  Kristy is a certified financial planner who has a passion for working with young families.  She enjoys finding products and solutions for you and your family.  Kristy prides herself on offering products tailored to your needs, avoiding high minimums and one size fits all products.

Being a Stay-At-Home-Parent has a lot of fun perks but it is also a challenge.  I've partnered with Krista from Evolve Capital to share 19 tips every stay at home parent should know.  Krista is a certified financial planner who has a passion for working with young families.  She enjoys finding products and solutions for you and your family.  Krista prides herself on offering products tailored to your needs, avoiding high minimums and one size fits all products.

This post is sponsored by Evolve Capital but as always my thoughts and opinions remain my own. 


  • Your Credit is Your Credit. There are misconceptions about how credit works when you get married and while the actions you make as a couple towards paying bills could reflect on both of you (if the bills are joint) you still have a lot of control over your credit. Control you should keep.

  • Negative Credit Could Hurt. If one or both of you have negative credit, this may affect your ability to get a mortgage or other loan. All the more reason for you to keep yours current and in good standing.

  • Keep Your Credit Cards. Having credit cards in your own name is your ability to build your own credit history. Without credit history your ability to get your own credit for any reason may be severely hindered.

  • Don’t Go Crazy. Having credit cards in your name is a great start. But this doesn’t mean maxing them out. Just like before you decided to stay home, you need to be careful with your credit. This also means not having a lot of credits cards.

  • Put Your Name on the Loans. Don’t let your spouse be the only person on the loan. Having your name on the loan is also a great way to build credit.



  • Glorious Me Time. It may seem silly to other people, it may seem silly to your spouse, but we all know, staying home is hard. Of course it is totally amazing to be with our little ones, but there are many other facets to your emotional self that need love and attention.

  • Remember You. It may be hard to remember who you were before you decided to stay home. But you were a person with interests. Take some time to do something you enjoy, just for you.

  • Resentment. That twinge of anger you feel towards your spouse is normal. Studies show stay at homes feel more anger and sadness than working parents. Those working part time say they experience more family guilt and career regret than either working parents or stay at homes.

  • It Cuts Both Ways. While you may have some unpleasant feelings towards you spouse for getting to go to work, the grass is not always greener. Your spouse may feel more pressure to perform and work harder to provide for the family. They may feel you have the better end of the deal, not fully appreciating the work it takes to stay home.

  • Know Your Worth. You bring value to the equation. In the 614 daycare for two babes could run you $2,500 a month. Just let that sink in the next time you are feeling a little down. Beyond that, you run a home, cook, clean, love, kiss. You have worth.



  • Don’t Burn Bridges. It may be tempting to just walk out of your job and never look back. But you may need that job one day. It is far easier and more pleasant to leave things on good terms, in case you ever need that bridge again.

  • Stay Sharp. Because you may need that job again, you should keep your skills fresh. Keep on top of trends and technology in your industry. Should you ever need or want to reenter the workforce, you won’t feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle.

  • Don’t Forget About Your 401k. You may decide to leave your 401k where it is, or roll it into an IRA. But do not forget about it. You need to ensure it is invested correctly for you and you definitely need to update your beneficiaries.

  • Don’t Just Cross Your Fingers. There are a lot of balls you are juggling and it may be easy to just let some go hoping they will take care of themselves. While this may be acceptable for some things, do not let this be the case for your retirement. You and your spouse need a plan to save for your retirement too. 75% of stay at homes plan to rely on their spouse's income for retirement, which may not be enough (and if marital bliss ends in divorce, it certainly won’t be enough to support two households). The IRS allows for you to save too and you absolutely should.



  • Death or Divorce. While a really unpleasant thought, one of these things may happen to you. Be prepared. Know the plan for you and your family. Put the proper tools in place now so you won’t be kicking yourself later. This includes ensuring your assets are jointly titled and having the basic estate documents in place.

  • Be an Active Participant. Just because you stay at home does not mean you have no voice or no say. Do not allow yourself to take a backseat to your household finances because one day you may find yourself at the helm and you do not want to have to figure it all out then.

  • Life Insurance. Remember that aforementioned cost to put two children in daycare? Remember you have value? Having life insurance on you is just as important as your spouse. The cost to replace your skillset could be devastating. Prepare for it.

  • Peace Out Fund. More than just an emergency fund. A Peace Out fund (an account in just your name) affords you the ability to peace out of any situation quickly. Never be beholden to an unsafe or unhappy situation.

  • Divorce May Surprise You. No one wants their marriage to end this way, but if it does, choosing to stay home may put you in a more vulnerable situation. Besides the worry of the impact to your children you are now at the mercy of your spouse and strangers to decide your fate. There have been documented court cases where the stay at home spouse has been admonished for staying home and have not been granted any alimony. This is a harsh reality, and one you should prepare yourself for. By staying current with your skills, staying on top of your credit and your finances you will be much better equipped to weather this storm.

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

Life Lately | June 2017

Life hasn't been so easy on us the last year, but we've embraced it, learned from mistakes, and we keep pushing through.  Enjoy a few pictures - as I downloaded any pictures from my iCloud in FOREVER!!! 

Wowza! I can't believe it's almost July.  The last few months have been some of the craziest, most exciting, stressful months of my life.   As you know, we welcomed our baby girl in February but what you may not know, she suffered through colic for months.  We are finally past that stage and she is sleeping through the night and giving us the biggest smiles and even laughing. It's so cute to see her face light up when she sees me or her dad, and the different faces she makes when she recognizes her brother and sister.  She also had a really bad case of eczema and after numerous doctor's appointments we finally found a treatment that works so well for her.  I am loving this stage so much.  

As much as I've wanted to ignore life and just be consumed with my baby girl and two older kiddos - life had other plans. My husband was in a car accident and his car was totaled, our A/C went out and needed completely replaced,  my car needed a new transmission and while they were fixing it they messed something up with the engine but didn't know it.  So the kids and I broke down on the side of 70E and a State Highway Patrol Officer came to our rescue.  Our car is still currently in the shop getting a new engine,  My car also needed all new breaks, tires, and a new windshield.  By the time my car gets out of the shop it will be ALMOST like a new car.  :-) 

One of the biggest blessings of the last few months has been watching our older two children fall in love with their baby sister.  They are growing up so quickly and they have been so patient and kind as we found our way through the colic stage.  Our son started T Ball recently and our daughter started basketball, both part of the I9 program on the East Side of Columbus.  E recently told us she wants to start cheerleading, so she's doing a summer camp soon to see if she really likes it before we commit to a whole year of it.  We're looking for preschools for Owen, and I'm soaking up every minute of the last few months before he starts preschool.  I was on Good Day Columbus talking about 614 Reasons To Love Columbus, and my husband started a new job.  Of course, we explored Columbus as well and had so much fun at Storybook Village at The Ohio History Connection.  We've also enjoyed summer a lot at our house - we have a small kiddie pool, and a slip n slide that the kids love. They try to use the slide on their large swing set as a water slide and that never goes as expected.  

614 Mom has grown, and continues to grow daily.  I have always wanted 614 Mom to be more than "just a blog".  I hate saying it that way, but I'm not really sure how else to explain it. I want to bring moms together, I want to be out in the community meeting 614 Moms, and I want to be a resource for all moms.  I recently started a group, 614 Moms, where we meet for playdates, moms night out, etc.  We had our kick off event last week (the day I broke down on the side of 70 actually) and it was so much fun. Thank you so much to Velvet Ice Cream for bringing delicious treats for us to enjoy as we got to know each other.  It's not too late - if you want to get involved and join us, we would love to have you.  Head here for all the details.  

Life hasn't been so easy on us the last year, but we've embraced it, learned from mistakes, and we keep pushing through.  Enjoy a few pictures - as I downloaded any pictures from my iCloud in FOREVER!!! 

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

Bluestem Neighborhood | Launch Party This Weekend | Northstar Community

Looking for something to do this weekend?  Join me at the Launch Party for Bluestem Neighborhood this Sunday, July 25 from 12-6 p.m.  Northstar Community is located north of I-270 off of I-71, just 10 minutes from Polaris with close proximity to Tanger Outlets.

Looking for something to do this weekend?  Join me at the Launch Party for Bluestem Neighborhood this Sunday, June 25 from 12-6 p.m.  Northstar Community is located north of I-270 off of I-71, just 10 minutes from Polaris with close proximity to Tanger Outlets.

The event will feature Bluestem Neighborhood’s three builders and their model homes, which include Fischer Homes, Rockford Homes and Schottenstein Homes located at 1770 Big Bluestem Way, 1756 Big Bluestem Way and 1769 Big Bluestem Way. Homebuilder representatives will be onsite to answer questions and provide information about opportunities available to purchase a home site in the neighborhood.

 Northstar Community is an 1,800-acre mixed-use development that will include 1,300 housing units, 400-acres of commercial land, a site for elementary and middle schools, 800-acres of green space that will include parks, paths, preservation areas and the NorthStar Golf Club - an 18-hole, semi-private golf course designed by former Ohio State and PGA golfer John Cook that opened in 2007. Prices start just under $400,000 and move upwards to $550,000+. 

Wait, there's more.  Pitabilities will be on site making awesome made-to-order Pitas for free for all attendees. You can also enter to win a $250 gift card to Tanger Outlets. Check out the beautiful photos below and then head there on Sunday for all the fun festivities.  

This post is sponsored by Northstar Community, but as always all thoughts and opinions remain my own. 

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

Too Good Eats!!

Too Good Eats is a natural, organic, and delicious baby food and frozen pop shop that is passionate about providing families with the best food to fuel young bodies.

As you know my husband and I recently welcomed our newest baby girl, and I would be lying if I said adding a third baby was easy.  It's been wonderful and the same time.  When I had my other two kids life was much simpler, I wasn't chasing two busy kids around, or working from home.  Now though, I am chasing two busy kids and working from home, and taking care of an infant so I have very little time to make baby food like I used to.  The time I do have I want to spend cuddling my babies, and making sure I spend quality time with my older kids as they adjust to life with a new baby.  

Lack of time, is just one of many reasons I am so glad I found Too Good Eats.  Too Good Eats is a natural, organic, and delicious baby food and frozen pop shop that is passionate about providing families with the best food to fuel young bodies.  The baby food comes in two different stages, Stage 1 is for 4 months+ and Stage 2 is for 8 months+, and comes conveniently in a ready to eat pouch. Sweat Potatoes, Apples, Blueberry Banana Kale and Mint, are just some of the favorites. Rumor has it even the older kids love the delicious pouches.  

The baby food is delicious (Yes, I've tried it. Of course)! and their line of frozen pops are the best afternoon treat.  The pops follow the same organic, no added sugar, natural principal as the baby food and makes a healthy snack for kids of all ages.  A few of the pops even hide a few veggies in there so if you're kid is going through an anti veggie phase - this is a great way to sneak it into their diet.  

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

IKEA Opens In Columbus | June 2017

My husband went with me to the media preview and he instantly fell in love. I think the breakfast got his attention but the prices sold him.  He was taking photos and grabbing booklets of his favorite things, telling me that there were things I just HAD to see!  You should know my husband is super frugal - and while I love to save money (it's like a game to me), at the end of the day, I want what I want.  IKEA mixes both of our worlds together for this stage in our life. 


IKEA opens tomorrow and it seems as if everyone in town is ready to hit the aisles for their favorite IKEA finds.   I'll be honest - I've only been to IKEA once, in Cincy and I was overwhelmed, so when I found out one was coming to Columbus I wasn't as excited as some of my friends.  It's not that I didn't like it, I just didn't understand the hype.  

I've since changed my tune.  I was lucky enough to attend the media preview last week and now I totally get it.  IKEA is a great place, especially for families who want nice/pretty things and rooms without the large price tag. 

My husband went with me to the media preview and he instantly fell in love. I think the breakfast got his attention but the prices sold him.  He was taking photos and grabbing booklets of his favorite things, telling me that there were things I just HAD to see!  You should know my husband is super frugal - and while I love to save money (it's like a game to me), at the end of the day, I want what I want.  IKEA mixes both of our worlds together for this stage in our life. 

Anyone else have kids that are super hard on every single thing they come across?  We have two little ones that just destroy ALL.THE.THINGS. except this one IKEA table that was given to us by a family friend.  Now that we have an IKEA in Columbus I'm really excited to redo the playroom.  This will be a fun project.  Stay tuned for that and in the meantime head on up to Polaris during the first two days and participate in their grand opening celebration.  

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

·         Rest Assured – The first 44 adults (18 & older) in IKEA Columbus on June 7, 2017 will receive a free EKTORP three-seat sofa, honoring our 44th U.S. store.

·         Take a Seat (And We Mean Take It!) – The next 100 adults (18 & older) in IKEA Columbus on June 7, 2017 will receive a free POÄNG armchair.

·         For the (Truly) Young at Heart – The first 100 children (17 & younger) in IKEA Columbus on June 7, 2017 will receive a free FAMNIG heart-shaped soft toy.

·         Pick a Card, Any Card – The first 2,500 adults (18 & older) in IKEA Columbus on June 7, 2017 will receive a random prize envelope with IKEA Gift Cards ranging from $10 to $250, or a “Buy One, Get One Free” cinnamon bun, hotdog or soft-serve frozen yogurt voucher.

·         Happy Birthday to You and Us – The first 100 adults (18 & older) bringing proof to IKEA Columbus on June 7, 2017 their birthday is the same as the store’s will receive a gift cardin the amount of $44, a tie-in corresponding to IKEA Columbus as the 44th U.S. IKEA store.

·         Enter our Home, Enter to Win – From June 7 through June 11, 2017, visitors to IKEA Columbus may enter a drawing to win one of ten $1,000 IKEA Gift Cards through the IKEA FAMILY loyalty program.  IKEA is matching the prizes (a total of $10,000) with a donation of home furnishings to The Homeless Families Foundation, a local organization that provides housing assistance and educational services to homeless families living in Columbus.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

·         Sleep Like Royalty – The first 44 adults (18 & older) in IKEA Columbus on Thursday, June 8, 2017 will receive a free queen-sized HAUGESUND mattress.

·         Cozy Comfort – The next 100 adults (18 & older) in IKEA Columbus on Thursday, June 8, 2017 will receive a free ALINA “sleep set” of bedspread and cushion covers and two FJADRAR pillows.

·         Kid’s Best Friend – The first 100 children (17 & younger) in IKEA Columbus on June 8, 2017 will receive a free GOSIG golden dog soft toy.

Friday, June 9, 2017

·         Cook (& Store) Like a Pro – The first 44 adults in IKEA Columbus on Friday, June 9, 2017 will receive a free 365+ 6-piece cookware starter set and a FORTROLIG food container storage set.

·         It’s in the Bag! – The next 44 adults (18 & older) in IKEA Columbus on Friday, June 9, 2017 will receive freezer bags filled with five different Swedish meals, complete with beverages and desserts, from the store’s Swedish Food Market.

·         A Cold Sweet-ish Treat – The first 100 children (17 & under) in IKEA Columbus on Friday, June 9, 2017 will receive a voucher for a soft-serve frozen yogurt that day at the Exit Bistro.

Wednesday, June 7 - Sunday, June 11, 2017

·         Play Big If You’re Little – Balloon artists, entertainment and face-painting will enhance the family-friendly fun at IKEA Columbus from June 7 through June 11, 2017. 

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

Jumping Into Summer With Confidence

 Last year she just wasn't ready yet but all winter she's been gaining more confidence in the water, thanks to our swim lessons at Goldfish and now as the warmer weather is approaching and the pool is about to open, we wanted to set her up for success.  So we enrolled her in the March Jump Start Clinic in Westerville.  

If you are a regular reader you probably know we are a Goldfish Family, if you haven't read about our love for Goldfish yet you can read about it, here, here , or here. We've hosted birthday parties at Goldfish, attended Friday Family Swim, family swim during the week, and of course our beloved swim lessons. One thing we had not tried yet were Jump Start Clinics.  

Let me start by saying when we first started at Goldfish Swim School, my kids had never taken a swim lesson.  They love (and we all love) to swim but they had not taken one single formal swim lesson.  I had one child who was very anxious and quite terrified to get in the water but LOVED it from a distance and one who couldn't swim very well but acted as if they were Michael Phelps. ;-) We needed an expert in the field to help us with both children and after a year of swim lessons I can say confidently that we got that and so much more.  Both of my kids are confident in the water, and know enough about water and water safety to be cautious around water but not scared of it. 

The gym we go to has a huge slide attached to their outdoor pool that my oldest really wanted to go down last summer but to be able to go down you have to meet a few requirements and last summer she just wasn't quite ready. To be able to slide down you have to swim an entire lane, without touching the side of the pool, and without a life jacket. Throughout the winter she has been "training" for this, she hasn't stopped talking about it, and every day we go to swim lessons she reminds me how she's one step closer to sliding down the "fun slide" at our gym.  My husband and I really wanted to set her up for success and help her with that goal so we signed her up for a Jump Start Clinic at Goldfish.  Best. Decision. Ever.  This girl ended the week with so much confidence and had an entire week 

What are Jump Start Clinics at Goldfish, you ask? Well, it's an entire month of swim lessons packed into one week.  Instead of going for 30 minutes once a week, you go everyday for 30 minute lessons each day.  For my oldest it was really beneficial because she was able to work on her goal every single day and by the end she had the confidence to give it her best shot and you know what? She mastered it.  She is looking forward to showing those lifeguards her progress and spending the summer by the pool, sliding down the slide, and jumping into the water.  Because she has the confidence and the strength.  

I personally found the Jump Start Clinic so effective because we were also attending regular swim lessons at Goldfish.  I firmly believe that even without attending regular swim lessons the clinic would have helped tremendously. 

Make sure you are following along with Goldfish on Facebook to stay updated on all their news including when the next session of Jump Start Clinic dates are announced, you can also head to the event section on the website

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

Postpartum Doula Support Helped Us Thrive | Columbus Birth and Parenting | 614 Mom

"Having a baby is NOT easy.  You need time to recover and you need the best support so you can recover properly.  Debbie, Anna, and CBP gave me that."

The other day as my husband and I were walking around a local baby store, we ran into a super sweet couple and their adorable daughter. We didn't know them, they didn't know us, but we started talking about babies, siblings, Columbus, and everything in between.  Once we started discussing siblings and life with three, it didn't take long until she asked about how we all adjusted when we brought home Baby E while having two busy kids already.  It went something like this..

"How was it adjusting to life with a baby while having two at home?"  - Kind Stranger

" know what, let me put it this way, we may survived solo but with the help of our postpartum doulas we thrived" - Me

I meant every word.  You see, our biggest support systems are either a two hour car ride or a two hour plane ride away.  The distance isn't always so bad but during major life events it really sucks. Flat Out. There is no other way to put it.

We knew that welcoming our third child into this world was going to take some serious planning.  I wanted to make sure that we had our oldest two taken care of and life ran smoothly for them while I was in labor, recovering, and bonding with our new baby.  We had family available to watch them while I was in labor but after that we were on our own. We relied on our trusted babysitter for a little bit while I was in the hospital and I reached out to my friends at Columbus Birth and Parenting to get some professional assistance during our first few days home. 

Leah and Catie matched me up with two of the sweetest women I have ever met.  Seriously - LOVE THEM! Debbie and Anna were such blessings to our family during that first week home. They helped us maintain balance, structure, and playtime in our home while we were adjusting to being a family of five. 

We had the Welcome Home Package - 3 five hour shifts and 1 overnight shift.  This package is only for your first week home to help you really recover, bond, and adjust.  I was able to have more bonding time with my little girl because our Doula was helping with the dishes, laundry, my older kids, and so much more.  What truly made our time with the Doulas from CBP special was their gentle approach in all that they do, the absolute no judgement state of mind, and their expertise in all things newborns and recovery for mom.  They held my baby so I could shower, play with my older two for a little bit (because oh how I missed them), nap and so much more.  They also supported us emotionally. I felt comfortable crying and sharing my fears with these professional women who showed me unconditional love and understanding. 

Having a baby is NOT easy.  You need time to recover and you need the best support so you can recover properly.  Debbie, Anna, and CBP gave me that (as well as my awesome husband, of course).   My mom lives out of state now and wasn't able to be home for the birth of Elizabeth, and that was really hard for me - but it wasn't until Debbie was in our home that I realized how hard it was not having my mom there.  Debbie made it so much easier.  I can recall one moment vividly, I was sitting on our couch holding Elizabeth and Debbie sat down near me to ask how I was doing, and to see if I needed anything.  It was an hour later when we finally stopped talking. What I NEEDED in that moment was for someone who understood what I was going through to just listen to me.  She didn't judge, she didn't try and stop me, she just let me talk and she let me ask her questions.  She shared stories of her own family and after I felt really connected and happy.  It was then that I realized how much I missed my mom, but I was also so thankful that Debbie was there to be such great support to me in a delicate time.  

I really need to tell you this story because it really meant the world to me...Baby E had a moment that had the doctors and I a little on edge. She had lost 12% of her birth weight (they should only loose 10% max). I felt like I had failed her, I was nursing her all the time but she wasn't interested in eating and she was loosing weight. What am I doing wrong? How can I make this better? She just won't eat!!!  My very first call after that news was Catie and Leah. I knew that they would be able to point me in the right direction.  Catie happened to have some time in her schedule so she immediately got in her car and came over to help me.  I am tearing up thinking about how amazing that was of her to drop what she was doing to be there for us when I needed help.  Catie was able to help me figure out a plan to get Elizabeth to stay awake and nurse for longer before falling asleep.  We were  on the right track for weight gain.  With Catie's tips and the schedule she gave me I was able to get Elizabeth's weight back up and she is currently a healthy 2 month old baby wearing 6 month old clothes. :-) 

I am so thankful for the support of all of the women at Columbus Birth and Parenting. I have never met such an amazing, supportive, group of women in my entire life.  I cannot recommend them enough.  They also offer parenting classes so if you are past the baby stage still follow them on Facebook or Instagram to stay up to day on all of the classes they offer and the super fun and educational blog posts they share.  

Columbus Birth and Parenting helped us THRIVE.  

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

The Villages At Central College

It's still crazy to me that we are a family of FIVE!! As amazing as that is, it means that we need more space in our right now!!  Our wishlist includes 4-5 bedrooms, 2-3 bathrooms, a playroom, an office for my husband and I, a nice sized kitchen with an island, top floor laundry, and storage.  I know it may sound like a lot but we currently live in a three bedroom 1.5 bathroom house and it's taught us that we need to be really picky with our next house.  I would also love a formal dining room but that's a want not a need. 

I recently shared that my husband and I are searching for a new home, and one of the neighborhoods we've looked at is Village At Central College.  We love the Westerville community and the house we toured would be the perfect fit for our family of five. 

It's still crazy to me that we are a family of FIVE!! As amazing as that is, it means that we need more space in our right now!!  Our wishlist includes 4-5 bedrooms, 2-3 bathrooms, a playroom, an office for my husband and I, a nice sized kitchen with an island, top floor laundry, and storage.  I know it may sound like a lot but we currently live in a three bedroom 1.5 bathroom house and it's taught us that we need to be really picky with our next house.  I would also love a formal dining room but that's a want not a need.  



The Village At Central College fills a lot of our wishlist.  I felt like we could live comfortably in this house.  Between the mudroom and large walk in pantry to the upstairs loft and top floor laundry we would be set.  The house we toured had 4 bedrooms plus an upstairs bonus room that was similar to a family room with the formal living room downstairs.  Where it was located, my kids could make a mess the night before and when I wake up I wouldn't even have to walk by it until after I had my coffee.  Hide that mess away!! The bonus room also had a closet which would be perfect for toy storage. 

The master bedroom had a huge closet, a gorgeous bathroom with a tub and shower and plenty of storage. The other three bedrooms were great in terms of size and closet space.  My kids were with us on this tour and wanted us to purchase this house as is.  They LOVED the decor.  Mary Cook Associates did an amazing job on the train room and the super pink room that my six year old is obsessed with.  Not kidding they ask us everyday when we are buying this house. :-) 

Let's talk about light!! M/I does an amazing job at making sure there is a lot of natural light coming into the home. Something our current house is lacking.  

Aside from the beautiful house the community is great, Hoover is really close by, as well as a few other parks, and I hear that there are plans to develop land nearby for a park.  We also really love exploring Westerville and all of the local businesses.  

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

15 of My Favorite Places In Westerville

I was inspired to explore Westerville and try some of the new places I have never been and visit some of my favorites again.  I've put together my top 15 things to do in Westerville.

One of the best parts about living in Columbus is all the different communities that surround us. From Dublin, New Albany or somewhere in between. Each one of them brings something unique to our community.  I've been touring M/I homes in Westerville  I was inspired to explore Westerville and try some of the new places I have never been and visit some of my favorites again.  I've put together my top 15 things to do in Westerville. Do you have a place you would add to this list? Tell me in the comments.  

To Play

1. Inniswood Metro Park - I can't even count how many times we've had family photos here.  They also put on the best events during the summer.  

2. Hoover Reservoir - PERFECT place for a picnic with the family and some sightseeing.  I also love climbing the stairs solo for a good workout. It's also minutes from one of the Villages of Central College - which I adore.  

3. Alum Creek - picnics, swimming, name it they've got it and it's beautiful there. 

4. Everal Barn and Homestead - speaking of beautiful - this homestead is so fun to visit and explore, run around outside, and if you stay tuned here or on their website they sometime host kid friendly events that are a lot of fun. 

To Eat

1. Uptown Deli and Brew - The perfect place to work/eat or take the kiddos to for lunch. 

2. Asterisk Supper Club - Afternoon tea in uptown Westerville? Yes, please. 

3. Antonio's Pizzeria and Restaurant - They have the best cheesy garlic bread around.  Enough said. 

4.  Northstar Cafe - This has always been a family favorite but the new location in Westerville is amazing.  Perfect food and perfect location. 

*3 out of the four are really close to a beautiful new community in Minerva Park 


To Shop

1. The Gemma Shop!! My FAV store in all of Columbus.  You have to get there one weekend. You will be so happy!! Watch my Instagram feed to see what new pieces I'm wearing from The Gemma Shop. 

2. Columbus Running Company - I'm a runner so this is one of my favorite stores in Columbus. 

3. Pure Roots Boutique - Shopping local is made easy in Westerville with this super cute boutique. 

4. Polaris Fashion Place - Polaris does an amazing job at offering a lot of kid friendly, family focused events year round. Plus the stores here are some of the best. 


For Kids

1. Goldfish Swim School - You know I love it here. ;) 

2. ZenKidz - Super cute, cozy, play cafe. 

3. Naturally Curious Kids - I love shopping local and I really love buying my kids educational toys. Here I can do both. 

4. Westerville Community Center

5. Legacy Train Depot - A hidden gem, for sure. 

To Relax

1.  Hair Artists

2. Meza Wine Shop




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