Mental Health Eryn Gilson Mental Health Eryn Gilson

20 FREE Ways to Practice Self Love

I truly believe that loving ourselves is so important to our mental health.  We must take care of ourselves before we can take care of others and one of the ways we can take care of ourselves is by practicing self love.  It can be as simple as lighting our favorite candle or as fun as riding our bike on our favorite bike path.  I've complied a list of 20 ways you can practice self love FOR FREE!!!

I truly believe that loving ourselves is so important to our mental health.  We must take care of ourselves before we can take care of others and one of the ways we can take care of ourselves is by practicing self love.  It can be as simple as lighting our favorite candle or as fun as riding our bike on our favorite bike path.  I've complied a list of 20 ways you can practice self love FOR FREE!!! If you have something you think I should add to the list, tell me in the comments! I'd love to hear your ideas!


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Sleep in

Wear something you feel great in

Gaze at the stars

Take a leisurely walk

Take a fitness class (Yoga would be a great relaxing option) - you can get a trial pass at a lot of places. Just call and ask. Mention 614 Mom at Life Time Dublin or Easton and get a free day pass. 

Roll down your windows and sing to great music

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Take a nap

Give yourself a pedicure

Watch a favorite/funny movie

Make a homemade face mask and relax

Burn your favorite candle


Take a mental health day

Paint using watercolors

Watch the sunset

Learn something new

Go to the Columbus Museum of Art (Free on Sundays)

Give yourself a manicure

Go to bed early

Say ‘No!” - You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone. If you don’t want to do something or can’t do it - say no and be okay with it.  

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

Goldfish Swim School 4 Years Later...

Our first experience with Goldfish was the Grand Opening Celebration for the Dublin location, we had a three year old and a 4 month old baby at the time, and I can still remember how much fun we had as a family swimming with our two sweet kids, watching our son in the pool for the very first time and his big sister splashing around on a duck mat.

It’s been four years since we first walked into Goldfish Swim School for the first time and I’m proud to say we love this place now more than ever.  Our first experience with Goldfish was the Grand Opening Celebration for the Dublin location, we had a three year old and a 4 month old baby at the time, and I can still remember how much fun we had as a family swimming with our two sweet kids, watching our son in the pool for the very first time and his big sister splashing around on a duck mat.  We now have a 7 year old, 4 year old, and 1 year old. Wow, how time changes things.  

Fast forward to today and we’ve been attending weekly swim lessons for two years, celebrated three birthdays at Goldfish, attended countless family swim nights, invited family members to join us for daytime open swim, hosted and attended two water safety presentations  and got Elizabeth started in weekly lessons when she was four months old.  To say we are Goldfish fans would be an understatement.  Seriously - Goldfish for LIFE!

My kids look forward to their swim lessons every week, and this winter when they always seemed to be sick the only thing that made them sad was missing their weekly lessons.  My oldest loves her teachers, she feels like they are her best friends. Recently when Ms. Brooke had a schedule change E was really sad but 5 minutes into her weekly lessons, with her new teacher, she had a new best friend in her swim teacher.  It’s so cute to watch how much she looks up to them and I am so thankful they are positive role models she can look up to.

My son on the other hand has always thought of himself as Michael Phelps or a fish.  Either one.  Really he just thinks he is an amazing swimmer.  He is great and very confident but working on maintaining some sense of self and being aware of the dangers of water is something I wanted him to learn.  His teachers have done a wonderful job helping him establish boundaries without instilling fear.   He is currently working hard to join the Goldfish Swim Team.  Every time we visit the pool he talks about how much he wants to be on the swim team.  I know he’s only four and I don’t pressure him but watching him work so hard to reach his goals from such a young age is ADORABLE!

We’ve hosted three birthday parties here and speaking as a busy mom - this is the BEST birthday party for kids and parents alike.  The kids love the pool, the energy, the games, cupcakes, and all the toys. I loved the very easy prep & little cleanup that come with Goldfish parties. You can see more here.

If you’re considering becoming a member I highly suggest you attend family swim time.  Get familiar with the heated pool, positive energy, fun colors, and incredible staff. It will help you decide if Goldfish is the place for you. Spoiler Alert: It’s pretty amazing!! :)


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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

You are Stronger Than You Think | Mama Monday | Cbus Boy Momma

Their strength in all situations, no matter how big or small, had me thinking if I, too, could be strong and ask myself, "How strong could I really be?" I mean, I was strong when I had all three of my boys via c-section and when I was faced with little obstacles here and there. However, I never knew exactly how strong I was until I was faced with a situation that required me to be nothing but strong

I have always admired mommas who seem to have it all together and can tackle anything that comes their way. Their strength in all situations, no matter how big or small, had me thinking if I, too, could be strong and ask myself, "How strong could I really be?" I mean, I was strong when I had all three of my boys via c-section and when I was faced with little obstacles here and there. However, I never knew exactly how strong I was until I was faced with a situation that required me to be nothing but strong--not only as a momma of three young boys but also as a wife.

March 30, 2017, and the two weeks following, showed me that I am stronger than I thought, because I had to be, I needed to be, and I had no other choice. The day started out great. It was a Friday during my spring break as a teacher from school. My husband had taken the week off as well and we had been spending the time together as a family and doing fun things around Columbus. We all got up, headed out to breakfast and then came home for a bit before we were going to my parents' house later in the day for dinner. After we got home, I left for a bit to run to the store to get some items for a dessert I was making for the evening. My husband and the boys stayed home so that I could make the shopping trip quick. When I returned from the store, my husband was sitting in the chair with a blanket on and said he had a really bad headache and was super sleepy. I told him that he should sit down and rest for a bit while the older two boys and I made the dessert. My husband went upstairs to get our 13 month old son up from nap and brought him down for snack. He put him in the highchair, grabbed himself a snack and headed to the living room. I was in the kitchen with the three boys. A few minutes later I heard a loud crash in the living room.

I ran into the living room and saw that my husband had fallen to the ground and was violently shaking on the floor. I immediately went into panic mode and started screaming his name. I turned around and saw our two older boys, who were 6 and 4 at the time, staring into the living room and crying. I looked at our oldest and said, "Bring me my phone and run to Miss Leslie's house to get her." My strong and resilient son got my phone, gave it to me and ran as fast as he could in his socks to get our neighbor, Miss Leslie. As I was on the phone with 911 and trying to make sure my husband would stay as safe as possible, I had to figure out how to keep my 13-month-old and 4-year-old as calm as possible. The next thing I knew, my neighbor and oldest son had returned. I looked at her and asked her to please take the boys with her and out of the house.

The next minutes were a blur. I remember staying on the phone with 911 and I remember somehow calling my parents as the paramedics were attending to my husband. I remember grabbing my husband's medication and taking them to the porch as we left. I remember spilling his pills all over the lawn and my parents arriving just in time so I could tell them to get the boys from our neighbor as we sped away in the ambulance to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, my husband was whisked away while I was asked a million questions about what had happened and his medical history. I was then ushered into a small room while family members showed up and we sat there and waited to see what had happened. After some time, my husband was wheeled into the room fully alert and talking. He was scared but felt okay and had no recollection as to what had happened or how he got there. The doctors were able to determine that he had a small brain bleed that caused him to have a seizure. The brain bleed is believed to have been caused by the blood-thinning medication that he has to take because of his mechanical heart valve. They had to stop the blood thinners so that the bleed would not continue but also had to figure out how long he could be off of them without it effecting his heart valve.

On that day I had to muster up and find as much strength as I could. I had to decide what would be the best course of treatment for him and I had to decide how I was going to talk to our three boys and make sure they were okay and understand what happened to daddy. I had to decide how I was going to be the best wife and mom I could be in this crazy situation. After a night in the neuro-intensive care unit, he was able to move to a recovery area and wait for what the next step would be as the heart and neuro teams discussed options. It was very hard to wait and to realize that both teams had conflicting conclusions and that we were in a scary situation. We decided to have my husband transferred to OSU because that is where his heart doctor is and I knew we could find some comfort at a place that knew my husband's whole history. It was the right choice, too, as one of the options the first hospital suggested could have killed my husband.

After two weeks in the hospital overcoming a couple bumps and scares in the road, my husband was able to come home. In those two weeks I had to be his rock and our boys' rock. I needed to make our lives as normal as possible and make sure that the boys knew that their daddy was going to be okay. I had to reassure my husband that he was going to be okay and that the situation would get figured out, and it did. His blood-thinning levels are in a great range now and the brain bleed is gone. My husband doesn't remember much of his stay and doesn't even recall the first three days. He sometimes has a hard time remembering small things but has come away from this healthy and okay.

I would never want to wish a situation like this upon anyone, but I do want you to think to yourself that you are stronger than you think. I urge you to talk to your children about what should be done in an emergency situation, and, if you have been in an emergency situation, I urge you to talk to your children about it and praise their strength as well. I made sure to explain the best that I could to our boys about what had happened to daddy, that he is now okay, and that they were the strongest little boys I knew. I made sure to provide opportunities for them to talk and ask questions and that it was okay to cry. I made sure to let them know that we have so many people who love us and helped us through this all.

Almost a year later, our boys will talk about it every now and then. Sometimes our middleman will tell random people that his daddy had a brain bleed but he is okay now. It took me a while to not flinch or have my heart skip a beat any time I heard a loud noise when my husband was in another room. It took me a while to be strong in knowing that it will be okay when I'm not at home and my husband is home with just the boys. I know I have become stronger because of this situation. I know my husband, boys, and our family have become closer and grown stronger as a family because of what we faced. I know that I am stronger than what I thought and I know that you are, too. I also know that part of being strong is being vulnerable--that it is okay to cry in front of my boys, that it is okay to rely on family members and gain strength through their guidance and strength, and that it is okay to talk about what happened and not be fearful of the situation.

I hope that sharing this with you will help you understand how strong you truly are and that no matter how strong you think you are, you are stronger than you think.

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

Columbus Bloggers Experience Life Time Fitness

A few weeks ago Life Time Fitness invited a group of Columbus bloggers out to experience all that Life Time has to offer and as a member of Life Time I was really excited to share one of my favorite places with some of my favorite people.  

A few weeks ago Life Time Fitness invited a group of Columbus bloggers out to experience all that Life Time has to offer and as a member of Life Time I was really excited to share one of my favorite places with some of my favorite people.  

Thank you Life Time Fitness in Dublin for planning an incredible day for us and allowing us to enjoy a really fun day together while learning about what makes Life Time so special.  Every single person that worked to make this day possible gets the biggest virtual hug and thank you from all of us.  :-) 

The blogging community in Columbus is a tight one and enjoying an afternoon with these ladies was just what my soul needed.  Blogging is an interesting profession because not everyone understands what we do and not a lot of people can talk for hours on SEO, social media algorithms, and keywords...but we can!  As time has progressed this group of women have went from Instagram handles to good friends, and I feel very lucky to have each one of them in my life.  


We were missing some of our friends but they were with us in spirit and on Instagram ;-) 

We started our day with a pre-workout shot and then headed to our LifeBarre class.  One of my favorite parts of the LifeBarre class is that the small movements make me really focus and I work different parts of my body than I'm used to. 

One of my favorites parts about taking a workout class with these ladies? The laughs.  Selfie fails, leg shakes, our attempt at a cute Boomerang - so many laughs.  


Side Note! If you've followed me for about two years, you may remember me sharing that I was training for a half marathon with an end goal to complete a triathlon.  I still have that goal - but it was delayed by a really difficult pregnancy that included bed rest, which was really hard for me mentally.  I feel so happy to be back at the gym full time again and I will keep that look on my face as I work hard everyday so I can not only participate in the Columbus Half Marathon but get a PR.  The photo above is a huge motivator for me.  I'm super thankful that Helen captured it.  

Okay back to our day at Life Time.  When we were finished with our workout they brought us a post workout shot and then we headed to the locker room to get ready for lunch in the LifeCafe.  If you read my latest Life Time post you'll know that the LifeCafe is one of the reasons I love Lifetime so much.  While we lunched on this panini, salad and almond butter smoothie we also learned about the D.TOX program which actually goes nicely with the  60 day challenge that I'm currently doing.  I'll be sure to share how the 60 Day Challenge worked for me as soon as it's over in April.  Wish me luck, I'm working hard to reach my goal! 


After a delicious lunch and lots of conversation we took a tour of the Dublin facility.  I don't have a great picture of it but the Dublin location has an incredible outdoor pool. You can see more of the facility in the pictures below.  I was happy to answer any questions or share my thoughts on Life Time with my friends and I would also be happy to do the same for you! Feel free to send me a message on Instagram or Facebook or just shoot me an email.

Hope to see you in the gym soon! 

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

Amaze | The Columbus Escape Experience | 614 Mom

As you know, I am always looking for new and exciting things to do with my family and finding the hidden gems of Columbus is a passion of mine, which is why I’m so excited to share one of my new favorite places with you, Amaze. The Columbus Escape Experience.  

As you know, I am always looking for new and exciting things to do with my family and finding the hidden gems of Columbus is a passion of mine, which is why I’m so excited to share one of my new favorite places with you, Amaze. The Columbus Escape Experience.  


On a cold January night we dropped the baby off with family and headed to Amaze with our two oldest children (ages 7 & 4).  My husband and I had been wanting to try it for date night, but after some research we found that all the options are family friendly, and doing it with our kids sounded really fun.

Amaze offers three themes that you can choose from, Gallery Swipe, Boat Break, and Fashion Week and one thing they all have in common is that they are all based right here in Columbus.  Gallery Swipe, focuses on Gallery Hop in The Short North, Boat Break includes the Scioto Mile, and Fashion Week is all about the amazing Fashion Week we have in Columbus.  As someone who loves this city, I think this feature adds so much value and a lot of fun.

For our first experience we decided to do Gallery Swipe.  It was a ton of fun and I’m so glad we started with that one.  We really had to think outside the box for the clues and it does get challenging.  I’m really competitive so letting the clock run out was not an option for my family.  Spoiler Alert: We got out just in time and I was very happy about that.  

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Gallery Swipe is focused on a famous Columbus based artist who is scheduled to unveil his new painting during Gallery Hop.  Everyone suspects it is his biggest competitor but there is no evidence so you are part of an ‘off the record’ mission.  You have 60 minutes to find clues, work through problems, and solve the puzzle.  We had so much fun completing this mission and now just looking at the photos I'm reminded of how excited my daughter got when she found a clue in one of the most unsuspecting places.  

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Without going into too much detail about the space or the room (because I don’t want to give anything away) I will share a few key things about our experience.  


1. It was perfect to do with the kids, our oldest absolutely LOVED it. She’s always really loved puzzles and scavenger hunts so this was really exciting for her. I can't wait to take her back. 

2. You will need to think outside the box.  The clues will require that, so make sure to come with an open mind and a willingness to consider all aspects of game.  

3. You can ask for hints and the people behind the camera will type a little message on the computer.  You only get three clues so use them wisely.

4. There are no physical challenges as part of the game.

5. The rooms are not scary at all, and there is a release button you can use to open the door. 

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Amaze is also the perfect place for birthday parties, team building, family time, and date night.  We already have plans to go back with friends (without the kids) and I can’t wait. I think we’re going to try the Boat Break next.  Stay tuned to Facebook and Instagram because soon they will be launching an outdoor experience and I will be sure to share the details.  Be sure to follow Amaze on Facebook and Instagram as well.  

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

5 Reasons I Love Life Time Fitness

My first experience with Lifetime Fitness was actually thanks to a friend of mine.  She had an extra guest pass so she invited me to take one of her favorite group fitness classes with her, TCX.  The class was wonderful and definitely made me sweat but what made me really fall in love with Lifetime were the people. It was very clear to me that what set this gym a part from many others was the connection everyone shared.

My first experience with Life Time Fitness was actually thanks to a friend of mine.  She had an extra guest pass so she invited me to take one of her favorite group fitness classes with her, TCX.  The class was wonderful and definitely made me sweat but what made me really fall in love with Life Time were the people. It was very clear to me that what set this gym a part from many others was the connection everyone shared.  The childcare staff start to become close friends, you find yourself making sure you’re always in every class with your favorite group fitness instructor, you go from friendly to friends with that person in the locker room who is also there everyday at 9 am, and the list could go on and on.  

Fast forward three years later, I’m a member of Lifetime and have spent the last three years enjoying all the perks that Life Time has to offer.  It may sound a little silly but Life Time allows me to essentially do it all.  We’ve spent countless mornings at the gym so I can get my workout in, while my kids are safe and happy in the childcare area, I’ve enjoyed the LifeSpa, the LifeCafe (the Sunrise Smoothie is delicious), family nights, and yes, even date nights.  I’ll dive into each of these a little more so you can get a feel for exactly what there is to love about Life Time.  



Everyone has very different goals when it comes to fitness, and those goals can change in an instant.  For example February 2016 I was training for a half marathon and then six months later (2 months before the half) I was put on bedrest and my focus had to change dramatically.  Currently, I am working towards getting back to my pre baby weight, and running the half in October.  Life Time has been able to help me along with each stage of my goals, weight loss, endurance training, strength training, and so much more.  I try to take 3 group fitness classes per week and then workout on my own 2-3 days a week.  My favorite classes right now are Gluteus Maxout, Life Barre, and Strike!

Photo by: HB Photography

Photo by: HB Photography

Family Time

Life Time has a wonderful indoor pool that is the perfect spot for family time.  There have been many days when we are trying to decide what to do and we end up at the pool.  The pool is heated, they have towels, and a nice family locker room to shower and change.  I’ve posted a few photos of the pool on Instagram and I always get so many messages after - people love it!! Lifetime also offers Dive In Movies, a Daddy/Daughter Dance, and so much more! Most of the extra events are open to nonmembers as well so if you’re looking for fun things to do make sure you’re following them on Instagram. Of course, I will always share as well.  

Kids & Family

When you sign up for a membership you can add the kids on for a small price and with that you get 2 hours of childcare per day.  There was a time in my life when that two hours was heavenly.  I was able to workout, and then shower and get ready ALONE!! I will hopefully get back to that very soon when my youngest can go longer than an hour without her mama! ;-) The Kids & Family department also offers birthday parties, summer camps, swim, and one day camps when the kiddos don’t have school but work is not closed.  

Date Night  

This may sound crazy but when we don’t have a sitter but we still want enjoy some time just the two of us, my husband and I will drop our kids off in the childcare area and go swim laps, or hit the rock climbing wall, and then grab some food in the cafe. It combines two things we really love, being active and spending time just the two of us.  

Photo by: HB Photography

Photo by: HB Photography

LifeSpa & LifeCafe

The LifeCafe is pretty much amazing, the smoothies, the $10 tea tumbler in the summer (with unlimited refills), the kids pizza, along with all of the other wonderful snacks and food they offer.  I recently tried a new panini and it was delicious, I’m looking forward to ordering that again real soon.  I highly recommend the almond butter smoothie, or the sunrise smoothie.

The LifeSpa allows me the ability to schedule my eyebrow wax right after a workout while my kids are still in childcare.  This is a game changer because how many salons do you know that offers ONSITE childcare?  INSIDER TIP: If you are not a member of Life Time you can still schedule an appointment at the LifeSpa and drop your kids off in the childcare area for free! Seriously, how amazing is that?  The Dublin location offers hair services and spa services and the Easton location offers only spa services (waxing, facials, etc.)


I could go on and on about how much I love Life Time but I think I will leave the rest of it for Part 2.  Be sure to follow along with me on Instagram as I share even more day to day stuff that yes does include all of the wonderful things we do at Lifetime.  

If you want to give Life Time a try just head on in and mention ‘614 Mom’ and you will get a guest pass to try it all out.  Let me know if you do and maybe we could take a class together.  


Photo by: HB Photography

Photo by: HB Photography

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

Inspiration For 2018 From Columbus Bloggers

Last month a group of Columbus bloggers got together to share our favorite things about the holidays in Columbus and today were back sharing our Inspiration for 2018! I'm so excited to be teaming up with these ladies again to share Inspiration For 2018. 

Last month a group of Columbus bloggers got together to share our favorite things about the holidays in Columbus and today were back sharing our Inspiration for 2018! I'm so excited to be teaming up with these ladies again to share Inspiration For 2018.  I don't have the traditional coworker but I lean on these women everyday, we text, meet for coffee, message in our Facebook group, etc. and they inspire me daily which is why I am so excited to share their posts with you today.  Make sure to click the links and then go follow them on social media!! These women are rock stars and full of so much wisdom and inspiration. 

Happy New Year!!!

Mission to Save- Penny Challenge. See how saving pennies each day can add up to $600+ savings. It’s a simple way to show kids the power of a penny saved! Includes a printable too. Follow Mission To Save on Facebook and Instagram for money saving inspiration year round.  

Just Keep it Simple Fitness  is sharing how to build your own workout plan in 6 easy steps! 

Zen Life and Travel - How To Stay Healthy While Traveling.  Katie blogs about all things travel and makes me jealous often with her super fun Instagram posts. 


Wear Love Wanders gets really personal and shares 10 things I’ve learned about myself from my struggle with weight loss  I can definitley relate to not wanting to hit the post button on something because it leaves us open to so many people, and some unkind so I really admire her for posting this and sharing something so personal with all of us. 


My Life in the Blink- Wherever you are, be fully there. How to embrace life right where you are this coming year. I think this is something so many of us can relate to. In today's world we can be so many places at once while feeling like we aren't fully anywhere.  


Breathe It All In - Essential Oils 101!! Liz knew exactly what I needed to read right now.  I have always been so interested in Essential Oils but they kind of intimidate me. Thank you girl!!! 


Of course, I have to share mine as well! Vision Boards!! My favorite way to see my goals daily.  

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

Vision Boards | How To Make Them & Why They Work | 614 Mom

"It took me a few years to realize that it has nothing to do with my goals changing but me not being able to see the finish line.  Being able to visualize the finish line, and see what I am working for is the difference between wishing my goal would be successful and achieving my goal.  That's exactly why I find vision boards so important in every aspect of my life."

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Over the years, I have tried many ways to stick to the goals I make for myself.  Sometimes my goals are easily attainable and sometimes they require a lot of work but they always require a lot of determination.  The first few weeks are easy, I am on a mission and I need to achieve my goals and nothing can stop me and then life gets busy, things change, moments of I can just wait until tomorrow or today is a cheat day, or other similar thoughts creep in and throw me off my game. 

It took me a few years to realize that it has nothing to do with my goals changing but me not being able to see the finish line.  Being able to visualize the finish line, and see what I am working for is the difference between wishing my goal would be successful and achieving my goal.  That's exactly why I find vision boards so important in every aspect of my life.  I attended a Vision Board workshop with Mesa Studios in 2016 and it changed my world.  

My vision boards are focused on my goals and focused on how I want to feel.  I love to laugh, I firmly believe it is the best medicine and I never want to get so wrapped up in life that I forget to laugh, so that has a good section on my board.  You see, vision boards shouldn't be focused on just material items that you want to own, and quite honestly I would try to limit putting any material items on your board except for maybe one or two, they should be focused on you, how you feel and the things that make you happy.  

Once you've completed your vision board make sure you hang it somewhere you can see it every single day. You want your vision board to come to life, and for that to happen you need to be able to see it daily.  

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How To Create A Vision Board

1.  Carefully think about your goals and write them all down on a piece of paper, it doesn't have to be fancy.  No goal is too small.  You can even take a few days to write this list, this is for you. Give yourself the time you need to come up with your list. Remember to think about how you want to feel, what makes you happy, and what you want to achieve.

2. Gather Supplies! Start with any board that you love, you can never go wrong with cork boards as they are easy to work with but you can also use glass, white board, poster board, etc.  You will need tape, glue, stickers, pins, markers, and magazines. You could also use embellishments that you would find in the scrapbooking section at your local craft store.   You will also want to think about what you want to include, if your list includes a trip somewhere maybe print off a photo to use on your board, use photos from your phone or camera and get those printed to use.  Spend your time doing this now so you can spend an uninterrupted hour designing your vision board. 

3. Create a peaceful environment where you can create, think, and dream. For me this includes lighting a few candles, turning off the TV and my phone, and pouring a glass of wine.  

4. Piece together the photos, quotes, magazine inspiration, embellishments and create your board.  Finish when you feel happy with the vision you have set for yourself.  

5. Hang your board where you can see it every single day.  The simple act of looking at it everyday will help you in reaching your goals, whatever they may be. 

Tip: I've asked the Local Facebook Moms Groups for magazines before and SO many were willing to give me their magazines for free, it doesn't hurt to through out a little ISO post, if you are like me and don't subscribe to many magazines.

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

5 Reasons To Choose Funky Scissors | Haircuts Just For Kids | 614 Mom

I've been searching for a place to take my kids for haircuts since my oldest was 2, my needs/wants have always been very simple - good haircut, patient and kind employees, and a place they don’t have to be silent. I struggled to find a place that hit all three of those check marks until we found Funky Scissors.

I've been searching for a place to take my kids for haircuts since my oldest was 2, my needs/wants have always been very simple - good haircut, patient and kind employees, and a place they don’t have to be silent. I struggled to find a place that hit all three of those check marks until we found Funky Scissors.

Last October before our trip to Disney, we tried Funky Scissors for the first time and for the first time in three years I felt like I had found THE PLACE. Funky Scissors gives me what I want as a mom and gives my children what they need to feel comfortable. It really is a win win for us.  

When I found Funky Scissors for the first time, I shared our experience here on the blog but now that we've been customers for awhile I thought I would share a little bit more about our love for Funky Scissors and the 5 things that set it apart from any place we've ever been.


The People

The people at Funky Scissors are truly kind.  When we walk in, we are always greeted with a smile and a warm welcome.  They are genuinely happy to see us, which feels good and helps reduce stress for my kids if they are nervous about getting a haircut that day.  My kids can go from super excited about a haircut to super nervous in minutes and then from nervous to excited again upon entering the salon.

The Talent


The hairstylists are truly talented, I am normally running between kids trying to share Pinterest photo ideas, or old photos of that last haircut that he loved, while carrying a baby on my hip and they help me handle all of that with ease.  They keep my kids distracted with Netflix (!!!!) and video games while working their magic.  We have never walked out of there with a bad cut. Which is huge!

The Special Touches

When designing the space the owners thought of everything from special seating to the mini-cure at the end of a haircut.  Netflix and XBox are both available for the kids to enjoy while getting their haircut, and they have a variety of seating options to choose from.  My son loves the Firetruck and my daughter loves the Glamour chair. She also enjoys the vehicle options but she’s getting too tall to fit in them!!  (When did my baby grow up?)



 When you walk into Funky Scissors you’re immediately welcomed by fun colors, bright lights and balloons. You can feel when you walk in that the people here care about the children and their experience getting a haircut.  Everything is carefully picked out to create a warm and inviting experience and you can feel that.

The Treats

 After a haircut each child is allowed to pick a balloon, a sucker, and a small toy.  This may be my daughter’s favorite part. The kids enjoy earning their reward by sitting nicely for their haircut which results in two things - treats for them and picture worthy haircut for mom.  Again, it’s a win win.

We really love Funky Scissors for our kids, I truly couldn’t imagine getting their haircut anywhere else.  I am so thankful thank the owners, local Columbus parents, choose to open Funky Scissors so close to home and fill a need so many of us were looking for.  

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Eryn Gilson Eryn Gilson

Butler County Day One | 614 Mom Travels | Ohio

A few weeks ago I packed my three kids in the car and we headed for Butler County, Ohio.  I knew Butler County was near my two very best friends who live in Cincy and home to the first IKEA in Ohio but other than that I knew nothing about the area.  I was ready to explore the infamous donut trail with my family, and watch my son geek out at EnterTrainment Junction, my kids were excited to explore and of course more than ready to check into our hotel.

A few weeks ago I packed my three kids in the car and we headed for Butler County, Ohio.  I knew Butler County was near my two very best friends who live in Cincy and home to the first IKEA in Ohio but other than that I knew nothing about the area.  I was ready to explore the infamous donut trail with my family, and watch my son geek out at EnterTrainment Junction, my kids were excited to explore and of course more than ready to check into our hotel.  Hotels for my kids are like the coolest things ever. They love everything about them - and they have more than once asked if we could take a staycation and go to a hotel in Columbus - for the pool of course. Apparently our house just can't compete with a hotel.  My husband had a work meeting Saturday morning, so we went without him Friday afternoon and he met us there Saturday early afternoon.  Traveling for my first time with all three kids was definitely an adventure but one I wouldn’t trade for the world.


I had the entire car packed and ready to go so that we could leave right after school pickup, which made it really easy for me because it gave all three of my kids an opportunity to nap and it helped us bypass almost all traffic.  We got to the hotel around 6 and got all checked in, they had super cute little welcome bags for us, which was such a treat after a long drive with the three kiddos.  Those bags came in handy later when my kids were “STARVING” and I had forgot our snacks in the car. :(  I was luckily able to park very close to the doors which was such a blessing because we had so much stuff as you can see in the picture below.  I like to go prepared for every situation so we’re never caught off guard. Games to entertain the older kids, snacks, lots of diapers, emergency formula for the baby, and of course their special blankets and security items. This trip that was even more important because I was solo for the first half of the trip. No time for error! ;-)

Friday evening we just relaxed at the hotel, played games, watched television, and ordered LaRosa’s Pizza.  I ordered a medium for myself and the two older kids but I definitely should have added a breadstick or salad because the one pizza wasn’t enough to truly fill us up.  We had a really nice refrigerator and kitchen area so I wish I would have used that a little more. Next time :)



Saturday morning my kids woke me up by jumping on the bed eager to get out the door and hit the donut trail. Our first stop was a donut shop not far from out hotel in West Chester. Stan The Donut Man was the perfect first stop and the wonderful ladies who worked there gave us a bag full of delicious donuts and a few extra passports so my kiddos could each have one.  Next up we hit Milton’s Donut Shop, which housed my favorite donut, made out of a croissant. Not quite a cronut in form but delicious all the same. I don’t think I can ever eat a regular donut again. We then headed to Martin’s Donuts, known forever by my kids as the pink donut shop.  They have  a fruity pebble donut that was a favorite for both of my kids. By the time we left Martin’s my kids admitted they had full bellies and wanted to finish the donut trail the next morning, so we decided to head to our next stop...EnterTRAINment Junction.

EnterTRAINment Junction is any train lover's dream and I have two in my family, my son and my husband. I was actually really disappointed that my husband missed this part of our trip, I knew he would have loved it.  We plan to go back soon though, so no worries.  The kids really loved it, from the model trains, the train themed play space, and the actual train ride that they got to ride, they were on cloud 9.  I can’t wait to go back as a whole family and watch my husband and son go crazy over the model trains.  Of course, they have a gift shop that was incredibly hard to pull my kids out of.  


We decided to stick with the train them and head to Bagger Dave’s near our hotel for lunch. The menu, cups, and other decor was focused around trains and there was a model train moving throughout the restaurant.  At this point it was kind of a blur, because all three of my kids needed naps, and I needed my husband to get to town pronto.   I do know I order a veggie burger and fries and really loved it, my daughter ordered the mac n cheese and my son had a burger.  They both scarfed down their meals which was a huge win! Our waitress was incredibly kind and really went above and beyond my expectations.  At one point my daughter thought she wanted to order the sloppy joe and the waitress went back and got her a sample so she would try it - like that never happens!! That was just one of many things she did during that visit that made me feel a little more relaxed, and as a mom alone with three kids in a new city - that was HUGE!!!

After lunch we headed back to our hotel so the kids could relax and it was the perfect meeting spot because my husband was in town!! Finally! It should go without saying that I adore my kids, but it was hard work being out of town alone with 3 kids under the age of 6.  Stay tuned for Part 2 of our trip - the part my husband got to join us on.  Drive in movie, delicious breakfast, and one of the most beautiful parks in Ohio. 

I can’t wait to share all about that with you soon, but for now here are some of our pictures from Day 1.  Have you ever been to Butler County?  I highly recommend it.


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